learn how to download orkut photos to Picasa

As Google announced closing down of Orkut by September 30th 2014, many of us has lots of memories Pictures albums posted on Orkut and those who are willing to download all those Pictures Google has provided a easy system where from Orkut we can tranfer all album to Picasa in just few seconds.

Below is the step need to follow to get transfer all the Pictures 

Step 1

Login Orkut from web 

--> http://www.orkut.com/

Once you have logged in Orkut then click on the below link 

--> http://www.orkut.co.in/AlbumsExport

Then you will see a page where all your Orkut Albums are shown just select all and click on the Import Link and in few seconds all Album Pictures will get transfer to Picasa and once the process is completed on the same page you will see a small link "View Transfer Images" once you have clicked on that link you will be directed to Picasaweb and in that select Recently added and you would be able to view all the album pictures of Orkut.

If you don't want to loose any old memories then do it now it self 

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Trick Photography and Special Effects by Evan Sharboneau

The amazing Photography ticks and special effects by Evan Sharboneau he is one of the best photographer in the world and had created amazing photography techniques which can be seen below

Watch below video for more info

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